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This cliff is located south of Grassy Narrows, which is 20km past the Jones Rhode cliff.




Located 50km north of the Trans-Canada on PR#671, the cliff is on the west (left) side of the paved road, up a trail.


There’s not much in the way of camping spots nearby, though one can camp across the road from the cliff, down a trail that leads to the lake (buggy and swampy). A better choice is Keys Lake, 5km south of the Narrows on the west side of the road (beautiful sandy beach and great swimming area, but often crowded on weekends).


There is an exit route at the extreme south end. There is also an exit route on the north end and trail marked with flagging tape. There are at least three sets of bolted anchors. All routes are trad or TR. There is no exit route between High and Quesier. Many use Ghoul Chimney as an exit route (only a few unprotected moves of chimneying).


Classic Routes


The Flying Rat’s Ass 5.10b, 12m **

Mike Baxter, Sue Baker – XX?
Climb the prominent left facing overhanging inside corner at the left end of the cliff (good pro).


High as the Moon 5.11a, 14m ***

Mike Baxter – XXXX
An exceptional “must-try” climb, up the slightly overhanging hand crack several meters left of the two black water streaks (great pro).


Queasier Than It Looks 5.10a/b, 11m *

Mike Baxter – XXXX
If you like off-widths, look no further! If the name doesn’t scare you off, scramble up onto a large block to start (take big pro, e.g. #4 and #5 cams).


Pinched Nerve 5.10a, 17m **

Rob Hester, Peter Aitchison – XXXX
Start about 14m left of Tabasco Crack in a square-cut notch about 3m wide. Ascend the middle of the notch via crack and face moves to the top, capped by a small blocky roof.


Tabasco Crack 5.9+, 12m **

Mike Baxter, Dave Harrison – XXXX
A wide left-trending crack located 6m left of Raspberry Ledge. Either gain the ledge and traverse to the left end or try the bouldery unprotected start (5.10+ moves) from the ground (the direct start is very flakey / unsafe).


Red’s Rickard 5.9+, 11m

Kenton Frith – XXXX
This right-arcing finger crack starts on Raspberry Ledge, located in the middle of the main wall. The route traverses right beside a very large block (tricky start, protect second well) and ends on a flat ledge with a tree.


Ghoul Chimney 5.6, R 11m

Mike Baxter, Kenton Frith, Dave Harrison, Sue Baker et al – XXXX
Ease yourself into the chimney on the right end of Raspberry Ledge, behind a large flake. Offwidth and chimney your way up (note that protection is near non-existent).


Baked Not Fried 5.8, 12m **

Dave Harrison – XXXX
An excellent route starting about 3-4m left of Get Crackin. Double parallel cracks on the top half of the climb are easy to spot from the ground and ends on a flat ledge with a tree. A tricky lieback starts on a left-facing ramp leading up to some nice crack climbing above.


Get Crystal Grabbin 5.6 TR
This route starts 1.5 to 2m left of Get Crackin. It follows small edges up the slab almost in parallel to the large Get Crackin crack. The route ends on a ledge about 8m up that runs between Baked Not Fried and Get Crackin. Top rope only (no pro on the slab).


Get Crackin 5.6, 12m **

Doug Orr – XXXX
This great route starts where the trail meets the cliff. Ascend a left-facing inside corner and ledge, then gain a troublesome overhang (crux) which leads to a fat fist crack to the top. This route ends in a large gully/chimney.


Get Crackin Hard 5.10b, 4m

Rob Hester, Peter Aitchison – 1994 July
A short but hard crack, starting from the gully/chimney at the top of Get Crackin.


No Pins No Sins C2, 14m

Mike Baxter, Dave Harrison – 1994 Winter
A clean aid route up the inside corner about 4m right of Get Crackin, with a large fist and hand crack (slightly overhanging) to finish.


Venom in Your Veins 5.11a. 9m ***

Mike Baxter – XXXX

Start about 2m left of the inside corner at Goof Proof. The crux is the first 5m with very thin and strenuous protection.


Goof Proof 5.4, 8m *

Mike Baxter, Sue Baker – XXXX
A short, wide inside corner crack at the right end of the cliff. Short but fun.

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