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This is a very picturesque cliff located on the west shore of a small lake. A thin strip of land affords just enough room for belaying, with a nice larger shaded area for a lunch break and platform for swimming. 



From the trans-Canada highway bypass that runs north around Kenora go north on the Grassy Narrows Road (PR#671) past Jones Cliff to the Jones railway crossing. Turn left onto a secondary gravel road 3.3km beyond Jones (10.5km past the Jones Cliff, or 40.5km from the trans-Canada highway).


The cliff is across a lake on the right, 8.1km down this road. Continue up the hill ahead and just past the crest of the hill turn right onto a rough trail which ends at a turnaround. A path heading east from the trail 20m before the turnaround branches into trails that go to the top and bottom of the cliff. There are exit routes at each end of the cliff.


Classic Routes


Cold Milk at Midnight 5.7, 14m

Mike Baxter – 1993 Nov 14
The left-facing inside corner above the terrace (sun deck) at the left end of the cliff.


Crack of Dawn 5.7, 24m *

Steve Young, Cindy Klassen – 1993 Apr
Start in the big right-facing inside corner near the left end of the cliff. Climb to a tree, go right and up to a small ledge. Follow a small crack to a bigger ledge, traverse right, and up the crack.


The Shadow 5.10a, 23m

Mark Hudson, Brett Hudson – 1994 June
A bolted face climb just right of Crack of Dawn.


Up with the Birds 5.8, 24m **

Steve Young, Cindy Klassen – 1993 Spring
A varied line 10m right of Crack of Dawn. Follow the left-facing corner.


Wheelchair Access 5.10, 23m TR
Steve Young, Cindy Klassen, Jake Klassen – 1994 July 3

Climb the face and cracks immediately right of Up with the Birds. Several variations possible.


Drugs 5.10d, 24m *
TR: Doug Orr, Janet Black, Rob Hester – 1993

FFA: Rob Hester, Kenton Frith – 1993

A bolted face climb just right of Up with the Birds. Climb the thin crack and follow the bolts, veering to the left near the top (small wires).


Pump Up the Jam 5.10a, 24m *

Doug Leonard, Jake Klassen, Ken Boyko – 1993 Sept
A varied climb just right of Drugs. Climb the challenging crack and traverse left onto the face. Finish up the right-facing corner that trends slightly to the right.


Whistling Past the Graveyard 5.10c, 24m

Mike Baxter – 1993 Oct 21
Bolted face climb right of Pump Up the Jam.


Plumber’s Crack 5.9, 24m ***

TR: Susan Baker, Dave Harrison, Jake Klassen – 1993 Spring

FFA: Dave Harrison – 1993 Summer
A terrific climb requiring a variety of climbing techniques. Climb the big corner crack, traversing down and left onto the face when it pinches out. Rejoin the corner and follow cracks through a blocky overhang.


Panorama Express 5.10a, 24m
Follow a left-facing flake to a roof, traverse far right and up through blocks.


Eviction Notice 5.12a, 24m TR

Mike Baxter, Doug Leonard – XXXX
The thin straight-up crack near the right end of the cliff.


Clutching at Straws 5.4, 15m

Mike Baxter – 1993 Nov 14
A right-trending flake and crack system ending at a slab on the right end of the cliff.

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