Founded in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in 1906, the Alpine Club of Canada represents the nation’s climbing community. Our network of members and facilities offers education, resources, and encouragement so that you can enjoy climbing and other wilderness activities year round.
Now based in Canmore, Alberta, the ACC protects the history and culture of Canada’s alpine environments. The ACC develops and supports mountaineering, rock and ice climbing, and hiking programs. The club also maintains backcountry huts in the nation’s most spectacular mountain terrain, and helps to preserve your access to wilderness areas across the country.
The Manitoba Section of the ACC was created in 1907, following the meeting that formed the ACC in Winnipeg in 1906. Initially, the Section coordinated Manitoban extensive exploratory mountaineering in Western Canada.
Today, like many other regional ACC sections, ACC Manitoba is a local volunteer-based section that runs events and activities throughout the year for everyone of all skill levels. In the summer months we run regular climbing & hiking trips, both locally in northwest Ontario and farther afield. In the winter months we offer cross country & downhill skiing, snowshoe and ice climbing trips. Our website features a new blog where we post trip reports and other related articles. We also have annual general meetings and social evenings throughout the year.
The bottom line is fun!

The Manitoba Section of the Alpine Club of Canada acknowledges that our members live and play on the Treaty Territories and ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg, Ansininewuk, Dakota Oyate, Denesuline, and Nehethowuk Nations, on the Homeland of the Red River Metis, and on lands that are the ancestral lands of Inuit. We acknowledge the past, present and future generations of these Nations. We gratefully wish to help to steward this land, as well as to honour and celebrate this place.
We further acknowledge and recognize that the activities of the Alpine Club of Canada reach across all of the distinct First Nations, Métis Homelands and Inuit Nunangat, and for this we are grateful. We will work with our members so that they understand our responsibilities to ensure that the land we use is respected, that we leave no trace, that we respect the ceremonial use of the land and leave offerings undisturbed.
ACC Vision & Mission
To bring together, and give voice to, Canada’s mountaineering community.
The Alpine Club of Canada promotes alpine experiences, knowledge and culture; responsible access; and excellence in mountain skills and leadership.
We as a community:
Affirm the intrinsic value of mountain regions and mountain sports to the human spirit.
Willingly share our knowledge of the mountain environment and recreational best practices with others.
Endeavour to conduct ourselves safely in the mountain environment at all times.
Have a responsibility to continue to increase our knowledge of the alpine environment, and to minimize our impact upon it.
Recognize that personal fulfillment in the outdoors has diverse expressions, but a common foundation in personal responsibility.
Are mindful and respectful of our history and legacy.
The following goals represent ideal states for the ACC, to be continually pursued:
ENHANCE our capacity to meet member needs, engage more volunteers, strengthen membership stability and reach out to our youth
ADVANCE our financial sustainability to ensure we have the means to expand our facilities and programs.
EXPAND networks and communications to build public awareness and support membership growth.
IMPROVE how we do things and how we work together.
Section Board Members

Section Chair
Rob Hester

Administrative Coordinator
Erica Veenstra

Financial Coordinator
Steffany Peters

Training & Development

Past Chair
Simon Statkewich

Vice Chair
Marilyn McLaren

Andre DeBattista

Access & Environment
David Cormie

Events Coordinator
Astor Fenogli